Category: Rehab

Worried Recovery Will Take Too Longb Jan20th 2021

Worried Recovery Will Take Too Long? Try Pre-Hab!

Physical therapy isn’t only helpful after surgery! Surgery can be extremely stressful and traumatic for your body to go through, therefore, it’s normally only done when there are absolutely no other options available. If a surgery is in your near future, you’ve probably already discussed a post-operative physical therapy appointment with your doctor. It’s extremely

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Feb10th 2020

What are the benefits of pre and post-surgical rehab? Why you should consider speaking with a physical therapist before your upcoming surgery.

Surgery is a traumatic experience—even in the best of circumstances. Making the decision to undergo surgery for a torn muscle or tendon means accepting putting your body in the hands of another individual to repair what is broken, and accepting that the process will leave you weaker before it allows you to become stronger. Surgery

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