Category: Pain Relief

Mar10th 2020

So You’ve Been Having Back Pain… Could it be Caused by a Herniated Disc?

If you’ve been experiencing back pain, it just may be a herniated disc. A herniated disc can put extra pressure on the muscles and nerves around the spinal column. Symptoms may include, pain on one side of the body, pain that radiates to the arms or legs, aching, burning sensations in the affected area and

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Feb10th 2020

What are the benefits of pre and post-surgical rehab? Why you should consider speaking with a physical therapist before your upcoming surgery.

Surgery is a traumatic experience—even in the best of circumstances. Making the decision to undergo surgery for a torn muscle or tendon means accepting putting your body in the hands of another individual to repair what is broken, and accepting that the process will leave you weaker before it allows you to become stronger. Surgery

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Frequent Headaches Jan20th 2020

Do You Suffer From Frequent Headaches? Physical Therapy Can Help!

Headaches have the potential to destroy your plans for the day and interfere with your ability to accomplish tasks. Frequent headaches are the most common form of pain in the U.S., reports the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, a division of the National Institutes of Health. In fact, nine out of 10 adults

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joint pain Jan6th 2020

Frustrated by your chronic joint pain? See how physical therapy can help relieve arthritis pain.

Do your joints hurt all the time? You just may have chronic joint pain. Call Lewy Physical Therapy to schedule an appointment with one of our physical therapists. We’ll help alleviate your joint pain. What Is Chronic Joint Pain? Joint pain can occur in any part of the joint, including the muscles, tendons, bone, cartilage

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Neck pain Relief Dec15th 2019

Pain Shouldn’t be a Part of Your Everyday Life. Take Back Control with Physical Therapy!

Chronic pain can take over your life if you don’t take proactive measures to overcome it. Instead of enjoying life to the fullest, daily pain can become the central focus of your life. You start skipping out on social activities, playing with children or grandchildren, or other activities that used to be routine. Instead, the

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Aches and Pains Dec5th 2019

Do you wake up feeling achy? Try these 3 stretches first thing in the morning.

Do you greet the morning with a smile, or do you wince in anticipation of the pain you’re about to experience? If the first motions you make to start your day are painful enough to make you think twice about getting out of bed, you’re certainly not alone. A variety of conditions can cause morning

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