Category: Running

herniated disc pain Nov20th 2019

Herniated Disc Pain? Don’t Rush To Surgery

Are you struggling with chronic back pain? Millions of people suffer from back pain, making it one of the primary reasons for disability and limited activity. There could be several causes of back pain including problems with muscles and ligaments, improper sleeping position, and injuries. Specific problems with the spine, which includes several vertebrae and

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staying active during work Oct10th 2019

Staying Active During Your 9-5!

If we were the betting type, we’d guess most of the people reading this are sitting down right now. It’s not a wild stretch of the imagination—most Americans spend around 12 hours per day sitting. Unfortunately, this kind of excessive sedentary behavior has been linked with an increased risk for chronic disease and early death.

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physical-therapy-help-ditch-pain-meds Jul5th 2019

Don’t Join the Opioid Epidemic. How Physical Therapy Can Help Ditch the Pain Meds.

It seems like every time you turn on the news there is another story about the opioid epidemic gripping the country. There is good reason for the panic. In 2016 alone, 116 people died each day from opioid-related drug overdoses. Some 11.5 million Americans misused prescription painkillers in some way, costing an estimated $504 million

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better balance core strength Apr20th 2019

The Connection Between Core Strength and Better Balance

Physical therapy as an industry has been talking about the link between core strength and better balance for years. When the “core” muscles around your trunk are strong, they prevent chronic lower back pain and many other injuries, but they also keep you from losing your balance and falling down. A stronger core will help

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shoulder pain Mar10th 2019

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain and How Physical Therapy Can Help

Your shoulder is the most flexible and movable joint in your body, consisting of several bones, muscles, joints and tendons. This means there are several ways the shoulder can become injured and cause pain. There are many causes of shoulder pain and steps you can take to eliminate the discomfort. Physical therapy is an effective

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