Category: Neck Pain

joint pain Jan6th 2020

Frustrated by your chronic joint pain? See how physical therapy can help relieve arthritis pain.

Do your joints hurt all the time? You just may have chronic joint pain. Call Lewy Physical Therapy to schedule an appointment with one of our physical therapists. We’ll help alleviate your joint pain. What Is Chronic Joint Pain? Joint pain can occur in any part of the joint, including the muscles, tendons, bone, cartilage

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back and neck pain relief Apr10th 2019

5 Ways to Relieve Back and Neck Pain

There are common causes of both back pain and neck pain. Changes in the spine’s anatomy often cause back pain. There may be lumbar disc herniation, lumbar degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis or sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Disc herniation occurs when the gel-like interior of the disc leaks outward and irritates the nerve roots. It typically causes

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Junk food May20th 2018

Still hurting? Your Diet Could Be Why

What you put in your mouth can make your aches and pains worse. Like they say, “You are what you eat.” There are many foods that can cause inflammation and actually result in pain. Eating a healthier diet can help you feel better, without those nagging aches and pains. Foods To Say “No” To While

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