Category: Flexibility

Improve Health with 5 Stretching Benefits May20th 2020

Improve Your Overall Health with These 5 Stretching Benefits

Some people think that stretching is an unnecessary part of exercising. The truth is that stretching is a necessary component of exercise. According to physical therapists, stretching is an important part of one’s daily routine, whether you’re exercising or not. The 5 Benefits of Stretching Stretching specific exercises prior to exercising helps the muscles to

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benefits of physicxal therapy Baton Rouge & Denham Springs, LA Aug10th 2018

The Unexpected Benefits of Stretching

Many non-athletes — and even a few actual jocks — are guilty of either rushing through their warm-up stretching, or skipping the cool-down moves after the workout. Yet, along with cardio and strength-training, stretching also delivers significant health benefits. You probably already know that stretching extends your overall range of motion, while also elasticizing your

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Junk food May20th 2018

Still hurting? Your Diet Could Be Why

What you put in your mouth can make your aches and pains worse. Like they say, “You are what you eat.” There are many foods that can cause inflammation and actually result in pain. Eating a healthier diet can help you feel better, without those nagging aches and pains. Foods To Say “No” To While

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