Health Blog

staying active during work Oct10th 2019

Staying Active During Your 9-5!

If we were the betting type, we’d guess most of the people reading this are sitting down right now. It’s not a wild stretch of the imagination—most Americans spend around 12 hours per day sitting. Unfortunately, this kind of excessive sedentary behavior has been linked with an increased risk for chronic disease and early death.

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nutrition reduces aches and pains Sep20th 2019

Let’s Talk Nutrition: How Eating Right Reduces Aches and Pains

Try to remember what you ate yesterday. Have you ever wondered if your dietary choices are affecting the achiness and stiffness that make your daily activities more difficult? Believe it or not, the food we eat can make a tremendous impact—for better or worse—on chronic pain. At Lewy Physical Therapy, our patients who improve their

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relieve chronic low back pain Sep10th 2019

Relieving Chronic Low Back Pain with Physical therapy

Are you suffering from chronic low back pain? Take action today and call Lewy Physical Therapy to schedule a one-on-one consultation and evaluation. Our physical therapists will get to the root cause of your back pain and create a personalized treatment plan just for you. What Is Chronic Low Back Pain? Low back pain is

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Traning Aug15th 2019

6 Ways to Prevent Injuries While Strength Training

One of the most common pieces of advice given to people in strength training programs is simply to “not hurt yourself.” Whether it’s a recovery program from a previous injury or surgery, or you’re simply trying to improve your physical performance, it is a common phrase that you’ll hear. While it may seem easier said

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Protein Food Aug5th 2019

High-Quality Protein: What is it and Why is it Important?

Protein is a necessary nutrient for maintaining high levels of physical function. If you’re a dedicated athlete, a weekend warrior, or someone who is simply trying to become more active, your protein intake plays a key role in your physical performance. There are many factors of high-quality protein that can benefit you in ways you

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What's the Difference Between Sprains and Strains? Jul15th 2019

Sprains, Strains and Ankle Pain! What You Need to Know and When to See a Therapist.

Is Your Ankle in Agony? You Might Need a Physical Therapist It’s an all-too-common scenario: You trip over a clod of turf or get knocked down in a game, only to find that your ankle no longer bears your weight when you try to stand up again. Ankle sprains and strains affect joggers, sprinters, football

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physical-therapy-help-ditch-pain-meds Jul5th 2019

Don’t Join the Opioid Epidemic. How Physical Therapy Can Help Ditch the Pain Meds.

It seems like every time you turn on the news there is another story about the opioid epidemic gripping the country. There is good reason for the panic. In 2016 alone, 116 people died each day from opioid-related drug overdoses. Some 11.5 million Americans misused prescription painkillers in some way, costing an estimated $504 million

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pre-hab Jun20th 2019

What is Pre-hab and How Can it Help Me Recover Faster?

It’s no secret that having physical therapy after an injury or surgery helps you recover faster. But what if there was a way to prevent an injury in the first place? Or what if there was a way to speed recovery from surgery long before you went under the knife? Pre-hab or preventative rehabilitation helps

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sciatica symptoms Jun10th 2019

Say No to Sciatica! 3 Indicators That You Need to See a Physical Therapist

Each of your sciatic nerves runs from either side of your lower back down to each of your legs. That’s why a classic sign of sciatica is having a shooting pain on one side only. While compression of one of your sciatic nerves can literally be a “pain in the butt,” it doesn’t always require

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Jun5th 2019

Find Relief for Your Hip and Knee Pain with Physical Therapy

Your hips and knees provide complex movements for the body by incorporating multiple joints, muscles, and tendons. When there is damage to any of those joints, muscles, or tendons, it can make moving the hips or knees increasingly difficult. Luckily, with the help of physical therapy, you can find relief for your hip and knee

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